Both Right Wing and Left Wing Christians are a Problem for Christianity

Christianity especially in the United States has been infiltrated by all types of political extremes. This has left the body divided and fighting among itself. In my last post I discussed right wing republican Christians and their obsession with Donald Trump. Someone pointed out how bad progressive liberal Christians are too. I am going to talk about that in this post.

Since last year I have had some negative interactions with social justice warrior progessives that used to go to my church. One of them is a very smart man from India. He used to go to my church and once helped with with writing my job resumes. Sadly this person has become a very radicalized leftist. After the killing of George Floyd, this man who professes to be a Christian was condoning the looting and protests that followed. He was posting these views on his facebook in addition to leftist comedian Trevor Noah. When I asked this man why he was posting these views on his Facebook he reacted in a hostile way. I asked how can a Christian condone looting and rioting. Rather than using the Bible, this man tried pointing me to some “Christian Book” about justice or something. This person also quotes Angela Davis quotes on his facebook in the name of “social justice” This man argued several times with me on facebook messenger. I told I did not want to argue and it would be more helpful to talk over the phone about these things. He never did.

There is nothing wrong with Christians getting involved in social issues. What does matter is what are the causes they are getting involved in and what are the methods. In the case of Black Lives Matter, it is not ok. They are a destructive group who engages in rioting, looting, and want to get revenge on the police. Christians should have nothing to do with them. Nor should Christians be associcated with radicals such as Angela Davis. Christianity and Marxism are not compatible. That should be common knowledge for all Christians. Yet Progressive Christians have largely strayed from the Bible and are drawn to secular forms of social justice, since they believe the church won’t do anything. That is like leaving the faith. I myself am an activist, but I keep it in line with Christianity. I seek advice from my pastors. I do not engage in violence. Part of my activism involves immigration from Central America and the root causes of it

There are other former members of my church who I ended up blocking on facebook when I saw them posting videos of themselves at the destroying of statues and praising vandalism. That is a poor witness for Christ!

Many have lost sight of what our duty as Christians is to be. To be Ambassadors for Jesus Christ on this earth, to be salt and light, and to go into all the world and preach His good news of salvation. As I mentioned in my previous article, right wing christians have lost sight of this too. They are pre-occupied with preserving their American Freedoms and getting in these cultural wars. In addition viewing Donald Trump as a “messiah” They too are consumed with so much hate. It is fueled by Fox News and One America News.

The church is dangerously divided. I don’t believe many will reconcile, but go deeper in their echo chambers of anger. Satan enjoys this. When Christianity is bitterly divided and fighting itself, less people will hear the Gospel and churches collapse.

Christians in persecuted countries have more unity than many Christians do in the United States. Thankfully many Christians here on WordPress are still sane and rational and focused on what is most important.

7 responses to “Both Right Wing and Left Wing Christians are a Problem for Christianity”

  1. Good thoughts. The Social Gospel is at the opposite end of Christian Nationalism and both are movements more concerned with the worldly temporal than the spiritual eternal.

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  2. “Christians in persecuted countries have more unity than many Christians do in the United States.” How true. This is an excellent post! I am on a prayer text with a woman who is a woke, progressive “Christian.” I agree Joseph, Christians should be involved with causes/social issues in a manner that lives/shares the Gospel. This country is divided and it will not get any better. I am thankful for your heart Joseph for the eternal and for us to be people seeking the Kingdom of God!

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  3. Interesting you mention in the last bit in your post about Christians being more sane on WordPress; it seems believers on WordPress are more balanced and biblical than other social media IMO. Maybe its something about writing longer posts than a tweet or a status that makes people slow down and think more and think specifically more biblically? I know there are exceptions but honestly I found WordPress to be far better of a community

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  4. […] TomJULY 12, 2021 AT 8:11 PMGood thoughts. The Social Gospel is at the opposite end of Christian Nationalism and both are movements more concerned with the worldly temporal than the spiritual eternal.Liked by 1 personReply […]

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